The Anti-panic
Conference 3.0

14:00 - 16:00

How much has the closure of borders or the restriction of international trade complicated our lives? Will freedom of movement and business be maintained in Europe? And what role do the media play in all this? Do they still play their primary role at this time, or are they just fighting for attention? This will be discussed at the third sequel of the meeting of leaders on the Anti-Panic™️ Platform 3.0 on June 9, from 14:00.

The conference will be in Czech language.

Foreign Voice:

➡ Lucia Šicková, Co-founder at Pixel Federation


➡ Oliver Dlouhý, CEO of

➡ Petr Dvořák, CEO of Czech TV

➡ Vik Maraj, president and co-founder at Unstoppable Conversations Inc.

➡ Kryštof Mucha, Executive Director of Karlovy Vary International Film Festival

➡ Danuše Nerudová, Rector at Mendel University in Brno

➡ Tomáš Petříček, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic

➡ Bohdan Wojnar, Member of the Board at Škoda Auto

Final recommendations:

➡ Zdeňek Tůma, Chairman of Supervisory Board ČSOB, and former Governor of the Czech National Bank

The Aspen Institute Central Europe is a co-organizer of this third virtual debate of the Anti-panic platform that was founded by JAD Productions and Unicorn Attacks. The initiator of the project is Yemi A.D., Aspen Young Leaders Program (AYLP) Alumnus and member of the 2019 Class of the Henry Crown Fellowship within the Aspen Global Leadership Network. General partner is Česká spořitelna, Online partner is Grow with Google, Partner is Direct pojišťovna, and Media partner is Hospodářské noviny.