Twenty Years of the Czech Republic

28. 10. 2013

What facilitates success? And what hinders it? How does individual success influence the collective well-being of a society and how to support future outstanding leaders?

Twenty years of the independent Czech Republic is a fitting occasion to examine inspirational examples as well as hurdles constraining further development. The Aspen Institute Prague has done so not only within the framework of its Annual Conference but also in the publication “Twenty Years of the Czech Republic. A Reflection on the Czech Successes and Failures.”

The booklet offers interviews with 34 Czech personalities from miscellaneous professions and a brief endeavor to summarize the collective success of the Czech society over the past two decades.

Karel Janeček, Jana Zielinski, Eduard Kučera, Jan Pirk, Helena Třeštíková and many others answered five questions about the most decisive moments in their lives, obstacles they had the overcome and their views on societal successes and setbacks.

The booklet’s second part invites the reader to look at the past twenty years from a rather positive perspective, offering a selection of collective successes as edited by journalist Tomáš Němeček.

The publication (only in the Czech language), is available in an on-line reader and can also be downloaded as pdf.