Call for Participation – Aspen Young Leaders Program 2014

10. 12. 2013

February 20 – 23, 2014
Tatra Mountains, Slovakia

The Aspen Institute Prague has closed a call for participation in the second edition of the Aspen Young Leaders Program. It is designed for emerging leaders from Central Europe, in different professions such as business, administration, the arts, sports and science. Composing of various formal and informal activities, the agenda offers seminars on miscellaneous aspects of leadership, including motivation, ethics, decision-making, teambuilding and media management. The participants will also explore the challenges and conflicts that leaders must face in deciding policies and strategies for their organizations, communities and themselves.

Lectures, workshops and moderated discussions will be led by renowned politicians, successful businessmen and scholars, including:

– Paul Kaye, President, Rolls-Royce Central Europe
– Tomáš Rektor, psychiatrist and psychotherapist
– Pavel Řehák, CEO, VIGO Investments (former CEO at Česká pojišťovna)
– Václav Sochor, Editor-in-Chief, Marketing & Media
– Ari Vatanen, former rally driver, former MEP

To get a better idea of the Program’s aims you can have a look at a short video from the first edition.  
Selection Criteria for Participants and Deadline

Prospective candidates should be:

– aged 20 – 40, and of Czech, Hungarian, Polish or Slovak nationality
– exceptional individuals, professionally active in politics, business, the arts, sports, science or the nonprofit sector
– open-minded and active citizens, who are interested in tackling current challenges
– experienced in the international environment, with fluent English
– willing to promote cooperation among different professions and segments of society.

The deadline for submission applications expired on January 5, 2014. 

For more information on the Program please consult the  leaflet.
The Organizers cover all costs connected to the Program. All questions and inquiries can be sent to aylp (at)