Crowdfunding Visegrad – Project Outcomes

17. 11. 2014

Together with our partners in the Crowdfunding Visegrad project: The Budapest Observatory in Hungary, the Slovak Creative Industry Forum and the Polish Res Publica Nowa, we are proud to present the study Crowdfunding Visegrad, accompanied by a manual on community financing.

Crowdfunding is a growing sector where business, culture and even philanthropy sectors meet and interact. It is more than a successful means to raise money as it enhances the feeling of ownership for the project an individual decides to support. As such, crowdfunding has a number of collateral effects on communities by generating social capital as well as increasing and improving the quality of interactions. Moreover, through crowdfunding campaigns the initiators can raise awareness about their cause and unleash innovative approaches and products.

Crowdfunding Visegrad was a project co-financed by the International Visegrad Fund that helped assess the state of play in crowdfunding throughout Visegrad countries and promote it as an alternative source of financing for V4 projects. The project involved four policy meetings with relevant V4 stakeholders, i.e. representatives of state administration, owners and administrators of crowdfunding platforms, innovators, lawyers, economists, academicians, etc. Following these meetings and consultations, a comprehensive study on the crowdfunding environment in the Visegrad countries was published.

To download the Crowdfunding Visegrad study, please click here

To download the manual, please click here.

The Project is supported by the International Visegrad Fund