Paweł Kowal
is a Polish politician and former Deputy Foreign Minister. In his essays and research, as an academic, he mainly takes up the issues of Polish and European Eastern policy. He has long been doing activist and academic work in Ukraine. His publications include Koniec systemu władzy. Polityka ekipy gen. Wojciecha Jaruzelskiego w latach 1986-1989 [The End of the System of Power: The Politics of General Wojciech Jaruzelski’s Administration in 1986-1989], Warsaw 2012 Dr. Paweł Kowal is a Polish politician and former Deputy Foreign Minister. In his essays and research, as an academic, he mainly takes up the issues of Polish and European Eastern policy. He has long been doing activist and academic work in Ukraine. His publications include Koniec systemu władzy. Polityka ekipy gen. Wojciecha Jaruzelskiego w latach 1986-1989 [The End of the System of Power: The Politics of General Wojciech Jaruzelski’s Administration in 1986-1989], Warsaw 2012.