Petra Dzurovčinová

Petra currently works with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in the area of Institutional Innovation and supports cities across Slovakia as a digital transformation advisor for cities in Slovakia. She has experienced corporate innovation in her role of Innovation Lead at the global digital team for external engagement at Takeda Pharmaceuticals.

Petra was the first Chief Innovation Officer for the City of Bratislava. During her five-year tenure at the City of Bratislava, she created the innovation and digital services department with 20 multidisciplinary professionals. Together, they were redesigning and developing new digital services for the city and its organizations. Petra is also a co-host of the radio show Zive mesto_FM where she looks at the innovation and design for sustainable cities.

She has established the Bratislava Living Lab with several pilot projects running, deepened cooperation with the academic and business sectors as well as international networks. She was the founding Executive Manager at the Slovak Alliance for Innovation Economy (SAPIE), a policy advocacy body and an association of over 150 innovative companies in Slovakia. She is also a co-author of the V4 Startup Report and Titans of Tomorrow: Slovak Scaleup Report. Prior to her return to Slovakia, she worked as the Digital Communications Manager at the Royal Institution of Australia in Adelaide. She was also co-organizer and licensee of various TEDx events in Adelaide and Bratislava.

Petra was a Fellow at the Aspen Ideas Festival 2024. Petra co-hosts a national radio show about systemic and sustainable cities called Liveable Cities since 2022.

Last edited August 2024.