Joanna Zofia Jasińska
Joanna Jasińska is the Head of Operations at VCLeaders, an educational initiative for venture capital professionals, as well as an Associate at Cobin Angels, the biggest professional club for business angels in Poland. Her pro bono activities include serving as the Vice Curator of the Global Shapers Warsaw Hub (World Economic Forum initiative) and volunteering at the Bator Tabor Foundation. Previously, Joanna worked as an English language reporter at the Polish Press Agency and The First News. She began her professional career at the European Academy of Diplomacy (EAD), with which she still cooperates as a trainer. At the EAD, she worked as the Head of the Visegrád School of Political Studies – part of the Council of Europe network. Joanna designed and organized educational programs for young leaders from the V4 countries, Eastern Partnership, Western Balkans, Russia and others.
Last edited in August, 2021