A Budapest-Warsaw Axis?
International Law and Order in Cyberspace—Cloud Computing and the Need to Revisit the Foundations…
In our current paradigm, the territoriality principle represents the core of the international law thinking on jurisdiction. But as is well known, it is not always easy to determine where events take…
The Countries of Central and Eastern Europe as Takers of EU Economic Policy
We can hardly expect a significant increase in the short term of the influence of the CEE region on the EU economic policy. Its countries do not form effective coalitions, as exemplified by the…
Several (Politically Incorrect) Remarks on Europe’s Migration Crisis
The right for asylum is an individual right, and it cannot be claimed en masse.
When the Party is Over
How foreign and domestic policy spillovers are pushing Turkey towards the abyss.
The Ups and Downs of Polish Economy
In the medium term, almost all economic government proposals will weaken rather than accelerate growth and at the same time reduce economic stability.
Enter the Dragon
China’s unprecedented interest in Central and Eastern Europe is a great opportunity for structural development and a way to escape middle income trap for some countries. The success, however, is…
The New Europe, or the Reinvention of Political Aesthetics
Between Skopje and Sofia
Agreement on Good Neighborly Relations between Bulgaria and Macedonia faces serious difficulties related to the crucial issue of nationality.
Vacation Is Over
This is perhaps the most common phrase one hears these days when Romanian analysts and decision-makers talk geopolitics.