Oblivion and Photographs
Thomas Kizny, “Gulag”, with Dominique Roynette, introduction: Norman Davies, Sergei Kovalev, and Nicolas Werth, Instytut Pamięci Narodowej, Fudacja Picture Doc, Warsaw 2015
A Philosophical Marshmallow
Walter Mischel, Test Marshmallow. O pożytkach płynących z samokontroli, trans. Agnieszka Nowak, Smak Słowa, Sopot 2015
Surrealism Rules Eternal
In Central Europe, every realism must be to some extent surrealist. This is why surrealism in its most interesting embodiments was a language in which artists struggled with the traumatic history of…
A Recipe for Religion
Lawrence Wright, Droga do wyzwolenia. Scjentologia, Hollywood i pułapki wiary, Czarne 2015
What’s Old Is New
Aviezer Tucker, The Legacies of Totalitarianism: A Theoretical Framework, Cambridge University Press, 2015.
Stalin’s Laughter
Milan Kundera, The Festival of Insignificance. Translated by Linda Asher, Harper 2015.
Arms Manufacturers Are Coming Back into Fashion
Russia’s Economy: A Changing Trend
The country now enters a kind of a Brezhnev-era stagnation, where the non-development may even be portrayed as the much-wanted “stability”
Waiting for the Impact
The biggest economy of the E.U. is still growing, but lags behind in investment. That might not pay off in the future.
The Use of EU Funds in Poland
The crisis in some EU countries is becoming a chronic problem, showing that European funds have been unable to counter the crisis or remove its effects