EDITORIAL: Vanishing Europe?
Noble and other Kolkhozy
Anna Engelking, Kołchoźnicy. Antropologiczne studium tożsamości wsi białoruskiej przełomu XX i XXI wieku [Kolkhozniki. An Anthropological Study of the Identity of Rural Belarus at the Turn of the…
Ukrainisation of Urbanisation—Sociology of the City in the Ukraine
Галина Боднар, Львів. Щоденне життя міста очима переселенців із сіл (50–80-ті роки ХХ ст.), Львівський національний університет ім. Івана Франка, 2010; Анатомія міста: Київ. Урбаністичні студії,…
Revisionism and Resurrection
Laima Vince, “Journeys Through the Backwaters of the Heart”, Amazon 2012
The West in Crisis
Petr Drulák, Politika nezájmu: Česko a Západ v krizi. [The Politics of Indifference: the Czech Republic and the West in Crisis] SLON, Praha 2012.
Oscar Bronner: A Life in Defiance of Austria and Its Situation
JM Stim, Eva Weissenberger: Trotzdem. Oscar Bronner. Eine Biografie, [In spite of. Oscar Bronner. A Biography] rde — redelsteiner dahimene edition, Wien, 2013, 326 pages
The Mysterious Death of Bohumil Hrabal (1914–1997)
From EURO Back to Europe
How to Trade Economic Independence for Political Sovereignty
Example of the former Soviet Union country Latvia
Why is Eastern Europe Backward
The countries of Eastern Europe—except for Bohemia— are economically weak while historically they are non- Western and peripheral.