An Iconoclastic Alternative
Piotr zychowicz, Pakt RibbentropBeck czyli jak Polacy mogli u boku III Rzeszy pokonać Związek Sowiecki [The RibbentropBeck Pact, or how Poles could have defeated the Soviet Union alongside the Third…
Nations on Münchhausen’s string
Rigels Halili, Naród i jego pieśni. Rzecz o oralności, piśmienności i epice ludowej wśród Albańczyków i Serbów [A nation and its songs. About orality, literacy and popular epic poetry among Albanians…
Citizen Havel
Jiří Suk, Politics as the Theatre of the Absurd: Václav Havel 1975–1989. Paseka 2013
Prague Cemetery
Umberto Eco, The Prague Cemetery. Translated by Richard Dixon. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt 2011
The Precariat Grows and Stirs
From a Steel Worker to a Maid. Polish Migrations to the U.S.
Over the last century, there has been a significant amount of continuity (rather than diversity and change) in patterns of Polish labor migrations to the U.S., and more generally –there has been lots…
Hungary: Oil and Gas Peak or a Renaissance?
Can Hungary further exploit its hydrocarbon potential, or is oil and gas import dependency an inescapable fate just the same as for the Central Eastern European region?
Poland and the Czech Republic: Partners or Rivals?
Since 1989 the Republic of Poland and the Czech Republic have been pursuing a sort of race. For each of them, the respective neighbor serves as a reference point against which they evaluate their own…
Europe is Another Japan
An interview with Martin Wolf by Maciej Nowicki The austerity policy, instead of limiting the crisis, only exacerbated it—says Martin Wolf in conversation with Maciej Nowicki
Austerity the Lithuanian Way
Lithuania will continue to carry out austerity policies and be among the best-performing European economies. But more detailed examination reveals that export- driven Lithuanian economy is growing…