Kusturica’s Dreams
Almost sixty year old, he uses his own money to build Orthodox churches, towns and “thematic parks” along the Serbia-Bosnian border. Is he motivated by an investor’s instinct or by a dream about…
The Dictator Within
Taking the Euro for Granted
The Corrupt Republic
The majority of Austrians now regards corruption as a fundamental problem. The question is whether the current critical mood in society will have a radical impact—for example, during this autumn’s…
Russia as a “Transit Country”: A Pure Illusion
Putinist Russia is a country deeply obsessed by a search for a national idea. Some see it in becoming a “bridge” connecting Europe with Asia by high-end transportation corridors.
Untying the European Knot
The European banking union can resolve the conflict between national regulation and the supranational nature of banks that helped bring about the current financial crisis.
Nuclear Energy as an Obstacle to Modernisation
Starting in 2014, bucking all EU trends, the Czech government will cut subsidies to all types of renewable energy resources, reallocating the funds to nuclear energy.
The Unbearable Burden of Debt
How the privatization of pensions has ruined public finances in Poland
Would a Democratic Change in Russia Transform its Foreign Policy?
West Balkans and the Polish Issue
Croatian EU accession on 1st july 2013 will mean tightening the relations between Central Europe and West Balkans. Poland cannot afford to neglect its relations with this region.