Humanity Is an Urban Species
An Interview with Benjamin Barber by Maciej Nowicki Nation-states are an abstraction. They have anthems and flags but the city is the place where we live. Nobody lives in Poland or the Czech Republic…
The Creative City: Irresistible Temptation of Utopia
The idea of creative cities – still a current hot topic in urban studies—is increasingly confronted with the notion of smart cities. Both concepts reflect frantic attempts to answer the questions,…
EDITORIAL: A Creative Fossil
Kohl—the Life of a Political Giant
Hans-Peter Schwarz: Helmut Kohl. Eine politische Biographie. DVA- Sachbuch, 2012.
A Song About Orbán
Igor Janke: “Napastnik. Opowieść o Viktorze Orbánie”. [A striker. A story of Viktor Orbán], Demart, Warszawa 2012.
A Failed Putin
Emmanuel Carrere, Limonov, translated by Magdalena kamińska-Maurugeon, Wydawnictwo Literackie 2012.
The Wind from the South East
Robert D. kaplan Monsun. Ocean Indyjski i przyszłość amerykańskiej dominacji (Monsoon: The Indian Ocean and the Future of American Power), Czarne 2012.
Bohemian Rhapsodies and Prague Winter
I Was Born in the U.S.S.R.
The European Identity and Artificial Processes
Will we ever live to see the formation of a European identity? Is there a way of speeding up this moment? While this might seem a rather abstract, or ivory tower, pseudo-intellectual subject that is…