
Third Industrial Revolution and Opportunities Nanotechnology Offers to V4
The history of mankind does not follow a linear trajectory. The leisurely pace of evolution is often disrupted and turned upside down by revolutionary events. We have reached the threshold of a new industrial revolution. Should we be fearful, or should we, rather, welcome this as a great opportunity for our small country?
How the TV Producers Transformed into the Producers of the Country
Book review: The Invention of Russia.From Gorbachev’s Freedom to Putin’s War. by Arkady Ostrovsky
Where the Most Common Method of Contraception Is Prayer
Book review: The Art of Loving. The Story of Michalina Wisłocka by Maria Sadowska
I’m a poet and I know it. The Nobel Prize and Bob Dylan’s Literary Credentials
For those who deal with literature more often than once in a blue moon, Nobel Prizes in Literature are not very exciting. They do not define the directions of literature’s development, and certainly do not identify what is most interesting in the writing of today.
The End of History, Postponed
The Liberal Order Is on the Defensive Due to Our Lack of Will
Unconditional Basic Income (UBI)
For a few decades we were told that money from the government should be spend cautiously, so that it would not make its beneficiaries lazy. The unconditional basic income (UBI) mocks all these sanctities.

Fabian Zuleeg: The Multi-Speed Europe Scenario Is the Most Realistic One
There are political risks attached to further integration of the eurozone within the model of “multi-speed Europe,” but far greater risk would be to allow the eurozone to fail—says Fabian Zuleeg in an interview with Konrad Niklewicz.

The Internet Is Broken. Here’s How to Fix It.
We have to fix the Internet. After forty years in existence, it has begun to corrode, both itself and us. It is still a marvelous and miraculous invention, but now there are bugs in the foundation, bats in the belfry, and trolls in the basement.
Is the Liberal World Order Seriously Threatened?
In the opinion of a number of experts and liberal politicians, the rise of nationalistic populism in the United States, as represented by the administration of Donald Trump, may threaten the liberal world order, which has already been under pressure from increasingly autocratic leaders in Russia and Turkey. However, if such warnings are to be…
Nicolas Maslowski: A Dangerous Time of Chaos
The financial crisis showed the weakness of America. Undermining the world order in this situation is much easier and successive actors are starting to do that—says Nicolas Maslowski in an interview with Tomasz Maćkowiak.
Germany, Central Europe, and the EU after Brexit
Britain’s leaving the EU, which will probably take place in two or three years, represents a decisive change in the Union’s balance of power. The EU will become even more synonymous with the eurozone.
The V4 as an Anti-German Coalition
In the refugee crisis a new dynamic emerged between Germany and the V4—all members of the Schengen area. If in the euro crisis the EU was divided between north and south, in the refugee crisis it was divided between east and west.

Klaus Bachmann: Only a Strong EU May Save Itself
Whoever wants more powers for nation-states and weaker EU institutions, he will get a European Union where instead of the European Commission it will be Germany dictating to the EU what it should do—says the German political scientist Klaus Bachmann in an interview with the Łukasz Grzesiczak.
The EU in 2017
Once a separate eurozone budget and a eurozone ministry of finance will have been set up, countries outside the eurozone might well find themselves deprived of many of the subsidies which they enjoy now. The Eastern European countries will be well advised to think twice before they take such a step.
Right-Wing Populism and the New Morality: A Historical Reflection
The election of Trump represents a “Post-Christian” turn. When we look at the way in which many people and religious leaders form and sustain their communities in recent years, the link between community building and exclusion becomes even clearer.
Between Two Extremes
One rainy October afternoon I sat down with Veronika Pistyur in the state-of-the-art, fun, and colorful headquarters of the Hungarian start-up Prezi. The smiley and boundlessly cheerful blonde runs Bridge Budapest, an NGO aiming to raise public awareness specifically of start-ups, and generally of the idea that being an entrepreneur pays off both in financial…

Is It Possible to Turn the Tide?
Over the past few years the attitudes to integration processes in Europe have undergone a dynamic evolution. In examining this dynamic, can any differences be discerned between the older and the younger generation? If so, in what ways might the younger generation differ?
The Rise of Radicalism Among Young People in Slovakia: Causes and Consequences
The results of the 2016 general election delivered quite a shock to Slovakia’s democrats. The most chilling of the many surprises was the fact that a far-right People’s Party—Our Slovakia (ĽSNS) made it into the country’s parliament. A party whose relevance had, until then, been solely regional (its leader is the governor of one of…