E-Estonia: Turning an “Analogue” Nation Digital
Estonia’s drive to reinvent itself as a digital nation— nicknamed “e-Estonia”—is in fact a mixture of a number of vectors, lacking the ultimate coherence of a single vision. Estonia’s experiment with e-government contains both elements of visionary advances and a potential cautionary tale in the making.
The Rise of Digital Capitalism
What’s happening in the global economy? Two different visions of economic transformation reshape the world as digitalization revolutionizes business.
EDITORIAL: Only Poland Wants the Intermarium
The government of Prime Minister Beata Szydło may count on the support of other Visegrad Group governments in the implementation of crucial projects related to security issues, energy, transport infrastructure, or refugee policy. However, the V4 countries will not be PiS’s allies in its dispute with the European Commission on the Constitutional Court. On the…
A Social Climber with Epaulettes
Lech Kowalski, Cze.Kiszczak. Biografia gen. broni Czesława Kiszczaka, Wydawnictwo Zysk i S-ka, Poznań, 2015.
The Green Humboldt
Andrea Wulf, The Invention of Nature, Alexander von Humboldt’s New World. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2015. 473 pp.
The Most Famous Female Writer of Europe?
Elena Ferrante, „My Brilliant Friend”, „The Story of a New Name”, „Those Who Leave and Those Who Stay”, „The Story of the Lost Child”, Penguin
Centrifugal Force
Dennis Marks, Wandering Jew: The Search for Joseph Roth, Notting Hill Editions, 2016.
Farewell to Central Europe
Let us consign the notion of Central Europe to the scrapheap. It imposes on us the idea of a fictitious historical and cultural community that does not match the reality of the region.
China under Uncle Xi
Arriving in China, you experience a sense of déja vu: key-rings, portraits, images, quotes on large banners, billboards. Except that their hero is not, as formerly, Chairman Mao, but the current leader, Xi Jinping. The whole China is reading bland works of the new Chairman and reigning in the media is a song called: “If…
Germany Holds the Key to Schengen
No European nation has benefited as much from the abolition of custom checks between European Union states as Germans. Lately, however, they have been increasingly questioning not only the free movement of people but also the principle of free trade as such.
During the transition, societies of Central Europe were faced with a double challenge: to transform their economies from centrally planned to capitalist ones and at the same time subject them to the shock of the digital revolution.
Falling into the Middle Income Trap
The Central European policy of using cheap labor as an instrument of growth is reaching its limits.
Opportunities and Risks for the Economies of Central Europe
Out of the eleven countries of the region which are members of the European Union only the Polish government declares that it does not intend to join the eurozone.
A Small Country with a Big Problem
At 10 pm on Saturday, 5 March, I was standing in a café in the center of Bratislava in front of a huge TV screen together with some hundred friends who, like me, did not want to be alone as an apocalypse was quite likely to descend on us. Our fears proved right: The exit…
The Anti-EU
Nationalism and xenophobia are on the rise in Central Europe
Eastern Europe and Islam — Not Only Hatred and Fear
In terms of a successful integration of Muslims and of the historical heritage of coexistence with the word of Islam, it is the European East which could quite often serve as a source of inspiration for the West.
The Refugee Crisis and the Transformation of the German Party System
Last year it seemed as if the AfD would quickly disintegrate completely. But then mass immigration suddenly became a major problem.
It Is Not worth It That Ukrainians Die for Donbas
An Interview with Mykola Riabchuk by Filip MemchesThe West turning a blind eye on the imperial ambitions of Moscow only emboldens it—says Mykola Riabchuk interviewed by Filip Memches.