Migration Crisis in Germany: “We will manage!” A Chronology of Questions
Angela Merkel’s statement “We will manage!” is the wrong answer to a question she never asked: “How will we manage?”
The “Islamic Onslaught” and the Central European Bulwark
The migration crisis triggered a mass wave of irrational Islamophobia in the countries of the Visegrad Group. Unfortunately, it has shown that the countries of Central Europe uphold the principle of “not in my backyard,” and may have a great problem with globalizing their foreign policy.
I Am Pessimistic about the Future of EU
An interview with Francis Fukuyama by Tomáš KlvaňaWe ought to revive NATO as a serious military alliance. That would be the appropriate response to all the stuff that the Russians are doing—says Francis Fukuyama in an interview with Tomáš Klvaňa
The Walls We Build Ourselves
We see around us a fracturing of Europe, and perhaps more broadly even of liberal democracy. We are figuratively as well as literally building new walls where we should be enjoying the freedom so many people fought for so long to achieve instead.
Is Paris the New 9/11?
Bloody milestones are hard to gauge. Nine eleven was the largest, indeed the first foreign attack on American soil since Pearl Harbor. It had completely changed the American perception of security, and brought about the war on terrorism, the invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq, Gitmo, and the Department of Homeland Security. The attacks in Europe…
A Postmodern Dictatorship
An interview with Peter Pomerantsev by Tomasz StawiszyńskiRussia is the avant-garde of the era of globalization. It is an extreme version of modernity, rather than its radical opposite—says Peter Pomerantsev in an interview with Tomasz Stawiszyński
Creative Industries and the European Capital of Culture. Cultural Organization for the 21st Century
The European Capital of Culture as a European project with 30 years of experience has gained a role of a catalyst of change in a city with new incentives for cultural development.
Creative Incubator—a Fancy Thing to Do?
It feels like “creative incubator” is a buzz term everybody is using these days. In the past few years, all around Europe, many of them have been opened. It is also the case in Central Eastern Europe—mainly thanks to injection from European structural funds.
City Creative Industry Strategies: Unique American Cases
Many cities around the world, large and small, target creative industries for economic development. Visual, sound, writing and expressive skills propel innovation and job growth in motion pictures and television, sound recording, broadcasting, publishing, performing and visual arts, and tourism, and employ high shares of artists in their workforce (Markusen, Wassall et al, 2008). These…
Solitary Economy
An interview with John Howkins by Maciej NowickiCreativity is the most difficult kind of economic activity. Failure is inherent in our action more than in other sectors of the economy—says John Howkins in an interview with Maciej Nowicki
EDITORIAL: Sepulveda’s Unwanted Offspring
In the mid-sixteenth century, when the Spanish public opinion was shaken by the first truthful reports on the fate of the Indians in the New World, Juan Gines de Sepulveda came up with four famous arguments in defense of the Spanish government’s policy. First, the Indians were barbarians, unable to learn anything, and therefore they…
In response to: Revisionism and Resurrection from 4/2013 issue
Oblivion and Photographs
Thomas Kizny, “Gulag”, with Dominique Roynette, introduction: Norman Davies, Sergei Kovalev, and Nicolas Werth, Instytut Pamięci Narodowej, Fudacja Picture Doc, Warsaw 2015
A Philosophical Marshmallow
Walter Mischel, Test Marshmallow. O pożytkach płynących z samokontroli, trans. Agnieszka Nowak, Smak Słowa, Sopot 2015
Surrealism Rules Eternal
In Central Europe, every realism must be to some extent surrealist. This is why surrealism in its most interesting embodiments was a language in which artists struggled with the traumatic history of the region.
A Recipe for Religion
Lawrence Wright, Droga do wyzwolenia. Scjentologia, Hollywood i pułapki wiary, Czarne 2015
What’s Old Is New
Aviezer Tucker, The Legacies of Totalitarianism: A Theoretical Framework, Cambridge University Press, 2015.
Stalin’s Laughter
Milan Kundera, The Festival of Insignificance. Translated by Linda Asher, Harper 2015.