
EDITORIAL: The War of Memory
Is it possible to reconcile the Polish and Jewish memory? Jewish and Lithuanian? Lithuanian and Russian? Russian and Czech? And is there even such a thing as common memory? Yes, we have the Institute of National Remembrance in Poland and its counterparts in neighbouring countries. These institutions, as the name suggests, are engaged not only…
Bast Shoes and Sneakers
Antoni Kroh, “Wesołego Alleluja, Polsko Ludowa—czyli o pogmatwanych dziejach chłopskiej kultury plastycznej na ziemiach polskich” [Happy Easter, Poland of the Folk—or About the Tangled History of Peasant Visual Culture in the Polish Lands], Iskry, Warsaw, 2014.
Dr. Frankenstein Cures Us of Liberalism
Rafał Woś, “Dziecięca choroba liberalizmu” [Infantile Disorder of liberalism], Studio Emka 2014
In the Footsteps of Sieroszewski
Michał Książek, Jakuck. Słownik Miejsca [Yakutsk. A Dictionary of a Place], Wydawnictwo Czarne, Wołowiec 2013, 248 pages
China-Russia: Axis of Convenience—or Inconvenience?
Michał Lubina, Niedźwiedź w cieniu smoka. Rosja-Chiny 1991–2014, Księgarnia Akademicka, Kraków, 2014, 631 pgs. Marcin Kaczmarski, Russia-China Relations in the Post-Crisis International Order, Routledge, London and New York, 2015, 190 pgs.
The Voice of Central Europe’s Exit
Jeremy Adelman, Worldly Philosopher: The Odyssey of Albert O. Hirschman. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2013.
Ida or National Cinema Again?
Why Ida, the greatest success of Polish cinema for years, aroused much controversy in Poland?
Betting on Industry in the Start-Up Era
Modern political mythology is quite different from political rhetoric and that, in turn, is not the same as economic reality. Which is why it might seem surprising that in Central Europe, once referred to by early 1990s reformists as the heart of the economic reforms, state-owned or semi-state- owned companies have been playing a dominant…
Creatively Creative Creativity: About the Word Defining the Paradigm of our Time
We would hardly find any mention about creativity in the fundamental text of the Euro-Atlantic civilization—the Bible. Creativity nowadays becomes the most influential concept, whose traces are present literally everywhere, indeed in domains having so far nothing in common with creativity— economics, management or urban planning. Where does this shift originate from? Does art equal…
Neoliberalism Is Alive and Kicking
Transformation experiences of Central European countries after 1989 can serve as a springboard for South European states that find themselves in a state of crisis. One of the lessons learned: stable economic growth cannot come without the investment into non-speculative areas of economy.
Austrian Banking System
There are three issues in the Austrian banking industry that appear most often in the news. One is the new approach to bank failures. Another is the risk of exposure to transition countries to the east and south. Finally, there is the issue of overall financial stability and possible implications for Austrian economy. I will…
The Trap of the Monetary Union
Will there ever be serious German opposition against the euro?
Matushka Rossiya and the Balkans
Nowhere outside the former Soviet Union is Russia’s influence greater than in this region
World War II: How Did It Start and When Did It End?
Still embedded in our consciousness, World War II influences the way we think about Europe, forms a part of our identity, and continues to be responsible for many of our enduring phobias. It makes no difference that we shall soon mark seventy years since it ended. Or does it? And when did World War II…
Twenty-Five Years After
A year since the seizure of Crimea, and we are still in shock and outrage. Elsewhere perhaps there is satisfaction, even pride. This article attempts not to distribute praise and blame but to understand where this came from and what it means.
Why the EU Needs a Democracy and Rule of Law Watchdog
So far, the European Union has appeared weak in the face of the challenge of constitutional capture and dramatic deteriorations in the rule of law. What’s needed is what I tentatively call “Copenhagen Commission,” in allusion to the “Copenhagen criteria” for accession to the Union.
Is Russian Politics Still Virtual?
Putin’s “Conservative Values Project” and then his 2014 invasion of Ukraine followed the logic of political technology. They were a smokescreen, a diversion, and belated overkill—new and much more radical causes to mobilize the population.
Further and Further Away from Brussels
It seems that the Fidesz-Jobbik fight may cast its shadow over the entire Hungarian political scene.