
Jaron Lanier: Beware of Siren Servers!
The logic of digital economy brings huge rewards to winners and impoverishes everyone else.
Digital Agenda in Central Europe
Would Central Europe redefine its drive for innovation as a way to develop technologies neutralizing foreign interference in energy supplies, information war or new military threats? The time to make a decision is right now.
The Internet Is the Electricity of the 21st Century
The goal of IT is to add value to all sectors of the economy.
The Myth of Transparency
Transparency—in its direct, immediate version—is about to acquire mythic functions to legitimize power. It is difficult to lower electricity bills, but to invite a group of citizens to follow the meetings of the regulating state commission doesn’t cost a dime.
Snowden Has Done an Enormous Damage to the West
An Interview with Edward Lucas by Maciej NowickiEdward Snowden published a lot of documents that had nothing to do with the violation of civil liberties. What he did fits perfectly with the interests of the Kremlin— says Edward Lucas in an interview with Maciej Nowicki.
How The Internet and Social Media Are Changing Culture
It is no doubt that the Internet and the social media are powerful instruments for mobilization of people. However, it is not its own technological imperative that allows the social media to play a prominent role in social protest.
EDITORIAL: A Ticket to Europe
In the epilogue to Postwar Tony Judt (1946–2010) recalled this famous saying of Heinrich Heine that baptism was the entry ticket to Europe for the Jews. Judt would not be himself—master of rhetorical abbreviation lined with sarcastic wit—if he would not have remarked that almost 200 years later, acknowledging shared responsibility for the Holocaust became…
Farewell to Agneša Kalinová: No Tears, Only Laughter!
Agneša Kalinová, a Slovak intellectual of world stature, is suddenly no longer with us and the time around her has vanished. All that is left is her concentrated timeless essence.
Notes from Underground
Roger Scruton, Notes from Underground, Beaufort Books, New York, 2014, 244 pgs.
Tea with Tony and Tim
Tony Judt with Timothy Snyder, Thinking the Twentieth Century, (New York: Penguin, 2013)
En Route to Totality
Igor Lukeš, Československo nad propastí. Selhání amerických diplomatů a tajných služeb v Praze 1945–1948. Prostor 2014. [Igor Lukeš. On the Edge of the Cold War: American Diplomats and Spies in Postwar Prague. Oxford University Press 2012]
The Great War as a Conflict Full of Paradoxes
Herfried Münkler: Der Große Krieg. Die Welt 1914 bis 1918. Rowohlt Berlin, ISBN 978-3-87134-720-7
An Overlooked War
“In the years 1914–1918 millions of Poles were conscripted to all three armies of the partitioning powers. Approximately 450,000 Polish soldiers in the Russian, Prussian and Austrian armies were killed and 900,000 were wounded.” These two brief sentences, these few laconic numbers, are literally everything that Adam Zamoyski, the author of the monumental work Poland:…
Russian Sanctions as a Rouse
Company Motorpal in Jihlava, Czech Republic, manufacturing fuel pumps for diesel engines, announced in the early days of September that in case of expected difficulties on the Russian market, due to the EU imposed sanctions, it may have to lay off up to three hundred and forty people from its workforce. The company exports sixty…
The Strengths and Weaknesses of the Polish Business Class
Economic communities in Poland are in many aspects highly diverse and fragmented, which reduces their political influence and social impact.
The Economic Transition and Its Critics
The last quarter of the century in Central Europe is one of the most spectacular examples of triumph of idea over matter. It was made possible because the elites recognized reforms as their historic mission.
Is Turkey Economically Doomed?
It is likely that the Turkish economy will suffer from serious structural defects in the coming years. The reforms are over and no one expects massive influx of foreign funds as before.
Lithuania: Cold Winds Blowing from the East
Russia is only the 8th largest export partner of Lithuania after Germany, Latvia, Estonia, UK, Netherlands, Poland and Sweden. This implies that trade disruptions with Russia would have comparably limited effect for Lithuanian producers.