
A Whole Generation Has Grown Up with Putin’s Propaganda
This year, Marina Ovsyannikova interrupted a broadcast of Vremya to protest against the Russian invasion of Ukraine, which made international news headlines. What led her to do this courageous move and what were the consequences?

The Cultural Battlefield
Never one for modesty, the Russian President Vladimir Putin likened himself to an old czar in a speech in June 2022. “Peter the Great waged the great northern war for 21 years. It would seem that he was at war with Sweden, that he took something from them,” Putin said of the early eighteenth century…

People Who Support Putin’s Invasion Are of no Use to Anyone in the EU
The Russians should realize that their country has invaded its neighbor and is waging a devastating war. In the nineteenth century, representatives of my nation would perhaps already have been placed in special camps. Today, in a united Europe, they enjoy all rights and freedoms – says Ivan Preobrazhensky in an interview with Małgorzata Nocuń.

Energy: Costs and Calculations
Energy costs were already rising when Russia invaded Ukraine, adding a new layer of tension and vulnerability. Europe is particularly sensitive to changes in supply from Russia: Italy, for example, covered almost 40% of its internal demand with Russian gas in 2021. A number of measures must be adopted if we are to keep energy…

Will Digital Education Replace Schools?
The traditional education model cannot keep up with the demands of the twenty-first century. The infinite amount of information available in today's digital space means that lexical knowledge is constantly losing its value. In contrast, digital skills and advanced cognitive and social skills are essential parts of performing in the workplace.

Janina Ochojska: Humanitarian and Military Aid are Two Different Things.
Humanitarian and military aid are two different things. If we confuse one with the other, the very idea of humanitarian aid is at risk of being destroyed says Janina Ochojska in an interview with Jakub Dymek.

Why We Need a Green Digital Revolution
The digital revolution has brought the enormous potential to change our economies and societies. With its growing role in our lives, however, so has grown the effect of digital services on the environment. If we do not act carefully and if we do not act now, the digital transformation may not just fail to save…

Actively Seeking Change & Diversity Can be Your Superpower
Natália Štefániková shares her experiences and practices on how to work smarter and how to leverage change to your advantage; be it by seeking collaboration with people who are not like you or by building solutions that enhance people's lives.

Reshaping Disability Policy: We will get off our wheelchairs, if necessary
Over 11.000 people with disabilities are still permanently housed in institutionalised care type homes in the Czech Republic. They live there despite the fact that the United Nations’ Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities was ratified thirteen years ago and despite the recent ruling by the Czech Constitutional Court, according to which housing…

A Hungarian Pro-Moscow Course?
Putin’s Russia is a model of governance, but not a geopolitical reference point for Hungary states Dariusz Kalłan. Hungary's Prime Minister Viktor Orbán was reluctant to believe that Putin would attempt a full-scale invasion of Ukraine and in the heat of the campaign, he had to face uncomfortable questions about his own relationship with Putin,…

Inflation: plague or acceptable cost of growth?
The United States fears inflation and is fighting it, having previously invoked it and downplayed it. Europe has contracted a milder variant and intends to live with it. But we must consider the risks of stagflation in the medium term.

A second chance for Europe’s currency?
The euro is a child of Germany’s unification and of the need to solidly anchor Germany to the European Community. The crisis triggered by the pandemic and the abundant geopolitical tensions today can breathe new life into Europe. Perhaps the time is finally right for Europe to emerge at long last from the quagmire in…

Ideas Health: Solutions to our complex problems do exist, but they require hard work
Last June Jakub Hlávka, Assistant Research Professor at the University of Southern California, had a chance to attend the Aspen Ideas Festival in Aspen, Colorado. Out of the sixty various panels presented he has chosen some of the most insightful to share.

Bruno Maçães: Europe is Emerging as a Geopolitical Union
The problems that Europe is facing are directly related to errors of national policy, particularly in Germany, yet the EU has been much bolder and more decisive than the average member state in this crisis, says Bruno Maçães in conversation with Tomas Klvana.

History in Color
Nearly 100 years after her birth, Agneša Kalinová’s story serves as a bridge to an entirely transformed Central Europe. The book is divided into seven sections, each corresponding with the journalist’s so-called ‘lives’ and her memories bring color to what might otherwise appear as black and white images. In a conversation guided by Juráňová, and…

Javier Blas: For Those Who barter the World’s Resources, the War Is an Opportunity
The point when Russia has maximum energy leverage against Europe is early winter, when during the coldest snap Vladimir Putin decides to turn off the gas. I think the people really realize how ugly it could get. And it will get ugly – says Javier Blas, co-author of “The World for Sale”, in conversation with…

Aspen Is People! Ten Years on the Journey in CE
Aspen Institute Central Europe celebrated it's 10th anniversary! The greatest value of Aspen is people. Read the reflection of the past ten years by the publishing editor Jenda Žáček.

Future of Culture: Re-formulate the Meaning of Theater
The cultural sector has been facing unusual changes since 2020. The main pillar especially of the theater –its direct contact with the audience– has been shaken to its roots. To what extent is theater reacting to all the changes, what are its foundations, and how can it profit from this situation? These questions and many…