
Egypt—The Cradle of Islamism
One of the most striking things revealed by a thorough examination of Egypt’s current political developments must be the meteoric rise of the Muslim Brotherhood, a distinctive movement which is undoubtedly the precursor of many more recent Islamic groupings.
Do Not (Always) Fear When Democracy Takes to the Streets
The recent political developments in Romania could be a lesson in the dynamics of EU democracy at a time when the EU is struggling with new nationalisms and democratic deficit—if the EU is not too busy with eurozone stability, to the detriment of quality of governance.
Bulgarian Populism: Premodern, Postmodern
In the 1990s, the European Union was perceived as the champion of the Bulgarian people against local lords. In the last decade though, both European and local politicians seem to be part of the same establishment, acting against the ordinary man.
The Berlusconi’s Legacy
An Interview with Paolo Flores d’Arcais by Maciej NowickiBecause of corruption and tax evasion the national budget loses 150–180 billion euro a year—says the Italian philosopher and essayist Paolo Flores d’Arcais interviewed by Maciej Nowicki.
Democracy as Self-Correction
The current crisis of democracy is not an outcome of some institutional failure of democracy; on the contrary, it is a product of democracy’s success. It is the result of five revolutions that have shattered our world in the last 50 years and made us more free.
US-Europe Relations After the Obama Victory
The bold French leadership in Mali in response to Islamist terrorism illustrates an interesting phenomenon: US-European relations are moving towards almost a reverse of the old division over the Iraq war. Whereas a decade ago the United States demonstrated bold leadership in addressing global security concerns, U.S. leadership today has become overly cautious, if not…
Nobody Likes Wall Street any More
An Interview with Francis Fukuyama by Maciej NowickiWhile private companies are constantly changing, experimenting with new forms of organisation, the American government is simply archaic, it has frozen in a bureaucratic hierarchy. How is the White House to deal with big business when it is less efficient—says the world famous political scientists Francis Fukuyama in…
How Britain Could Leave the EU
Britain’s departure from the EU grows ever more likely. David Cameron, the prime minister, wants Britain to stay in. But he seems set on a path that could lead to an exit. British withdrawal requires two conditions to be satisfied. First, the government of the day must call a referendum on whether to leave the…
Federalization—The Path to Demise
Usually it is smaller nations that break loose from large empires and supranational states to go their own way. The separation of Czechoslovakia in 1990–1992 is a rather untypical case.
“Svoboda”, Ukraine, and the West
“Svoboda” party’s approach to ethnic relations has been termed fascist, but in point of fact it is strikingly similar to official policy in Estonia, Latvia, and Israel.
Hungary: the Fidesz Project
Fidesz successfully reconstructed the centre-right around its core ideas of conservatism and Christian Democracy, solidarity, family, nationhood and statehood.
The Political Logics of Disintegration: the Habsburg Experience
A word about what kept the Habsburg monarchy together, what actually brought it apart, and what this might mean for the European Union.
EDITORIAL: What Is Sovereignty
A Polish diplomat recently said: “The question of sovereignty today does not mean waving about your saber and constitution but preventing a situation where Poland would have no influence on the direction of changes which the EU centre is now deciding on.” And a government minister added: “This is the last EU budget from which…
A Geopolitical Tale
George Friedman, Następna dekada. Translation by Monika Wyrwas-Wiśniewska Wydawnictwo Literackie, 2012
Narcissism Versus Hysteria
Jacques Sapir, Faut-il sortir de l’euro?, Seuil, 2012
Banks Are Not Eternal
Michael Lewis, Boomerang: Travels in the New Third World. W.W. Norton & Co., 2011
An Intellectual on the Peripheries
Tomáš Sedláček, Ekonomia dobra i zła. Studio EMKA 2011
The Biltmore Moment
Thomas E. Mann and Norman J. Ornstein, It’s Even Worse Than It Looks: How the American Constitutional System Collided With the New Politics of Extremism. Basic Books, 2012