
Sneak Peek at the Education System
The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic has played a special role in the lives of all of us. The impact on the education, social and mental development of children and young people is dramatic, although it is difficult to estimate what that means for their future. The pandemic also highlighted the importance of parents’ support…

Don’t Look Under your Feet
In his monumental book, Daniel Yergin promises to draw new maps of energy, geopolitics, climate, and chart a roadmap to a green transformation. But in fact, his New Map: How Energy is Changing Geopolitics represents the beaten paths on which the imagination of our economic and political elites is stuck.

Russia’s “Corpse Ideology” and Its Genocide in Ukraine
Russian soldiers’ gang rapes of women and little children in Ukrainian towns and villages shook the world with its barbarism and brutality. These are crimes that accompanied Putin’s long-held aim of ridding Ukraine of Ukrainians under the cover of a “denazification operation”. The Russians themselves, from Maksim Gorky to Viktor Yerofeev, suggested that over their…

How to Use Economic Sanctions Wisely
Given the horrors of Russia's invasion of Ukraine, the public's support for sanctions has been strong. But, before tightening sanctions further or imposing them indefinitely, Western powers should consider the broader risks to the global economy and the international trade and financial system.

How to Pay for the War on Covid
We still have a lot to learn from Keynes’ ideas, even under today’s new conditions. Indeed, we may be confronted with the following paradox: economies enjoying a strong recovery will be paying higher wages and salaries than before, but producing smaller quantities of consumer goods. Basically, a situation could come about whereby the economy is…

There are essentially two approaches to climate change: techno-optimism and the end of consumerism. The major difference is between the long term and the short term and between different areas of the economy and different forms of planetary limits. There are no constraints on sustainable electrification, but we have wasted precious time for the green…

Another Landslide in Hungary – How to Account for Orbán’s Fourth Consecutive Supermajority
Despite opposition forces running united against him, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán has garnered more votes than ever in April’s election and clinched the fourth constitutional majority in a row for his Fidesz party. What happened and what does this result mean for the country’s stance in Europe?

How China Can End the War in Ukraine
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is in clear violation of principles that China has held sacrosanct for almost 60 years. There is no room for China to finesse that conclusion while remaining true to its core values.

What’s Next for Russia?
As the world watches Russia’s dreadful military performance in Ukraine and wonders whether Vladimir Putin can survive such a strategic disaster, three questions inevitably arise: Can Ukraine win? Can Russia survive or is it on the verge of a bona fide revolution that could result in a regime change and possible state collapse? And what…

Who Are These People?
One may only guess whom Mr Putin is going to ‘liberate’ and ‘protect’—and from whom? Certainly not the Ukrainian soldiers who speak mostly Russian on the battlefield writes Mykola Riabchuk

Madeleine Albright’s Potent Legacy for Women
By the time Madeleine Albright declared, in 2006, that “there is a special place in hell for women who don’t help other women,” her record spoke for itself. For Albright, this was not just a quip; it was a modus operandi.

Michał Tarnowski: Central Europe as a Niche for Social Entrepreneurship
Social entrepreneurship can be a successful business and positive change to society. It is a great idea for startup models in CE. Are entrepreneurs able to help solve social issues? How civil service can be made a space where young people can thrive and use their talents for great social impact is discussed by the…

Xi Jinping Wants to Have Siberia for Dinner
Karel Schwarzenberg believes that the West made a mistake at the Bucharest NATO Summit in April 2008, when it failed to extend the Alliance’s Membership Action Plan to Georgia and Ukraine. Here is the interview he gave ARCE. It was conducted several days after Russia attacked Ukraine.

If in the Next Few Days Central Europe Were to Shut Down, Western Europe Would Stop Functioning
The obstacles standing in the path of the economic growth of the region include the depleting labor market and the persistently low trust in the establishment, says Mojmir Hampl in an interview with Robert Schuster.

Despite Setbacks, Failures and Deeply Shameful Mistakes, Europe Still Wins
Is anybody in Warsaw really willing to die for France? At first glance: no. But in fact the feeling and understanding of threats from Russia, China and Islamic terrorism are common for all the 27 EU countries – says Bernard Guetta in an interview with Jakub Dymek.

Russian Schizophrenia
Our political elites have long yearned for authoritarianism. Or is it even more than that? Totalitarian tendencies? “In today’s Russia, people are told what to think. There is no freedom of opinion left. And this is totalitarianism,” says Nikita Petrov, Deputy Chairman of the Memorial Association, in an interview with Małgorzata Nocuń.

The Inept Transformation of the Polish Energy Industry
The Polish government is caught between its own illusions about the richness of Poland’s coal reserves and pressure from the European Union to move away from coal as quickly as possible.

Adam Daniel Rotfeld: Moscow Perceives Fear as a Political Instrument
When Vladimir Putin decided to annex Crimea, the question in Poland and the West was, “Where will Russia stop? What will be its next territorial demands?” Both then and today my answer is the same: “It will stop where it is stopped,” says Professor Adam Daniel Rotfeld, former Polish Foreign Minister, in an interview with…