
Security in Central Europe
What threatens our security is to a large extent of our own making. External threats mostly respond to risks and vulnerabilities that are the fruit of our own lack of consistency and professionalism and of our corruption.
EDITORIAL: Ukrainisation of Central Europe
A creeping “Ukrainisation” of the countries of the region, including Poland, is a greater and much more real threat than the mythical marginalisation allegedly caused by staying out of the eurozone. All new EU member states (and some “old” ones) are now experiencing dangerous developments such as questioning the pro-Western stance of a given country…
Old Talk of New Normalisation
Michal Pullmann: Konec experimentu. Přestavba a pád komunismu v Československu. [The End of an Experiment. The Rebuilding and Fall of Communism in Czechoslovakia] Scriptorium, Praha 2011
Romanian Mineriads
Adam Burakowski, Mariusz Stan, The Country Full of Sadness, the Country Full of Humour. History of Romania after 1989, Institute of Political Studies – Polish Academy of Sciences, TRIO Publishing House, Warsaw 2012.
Towards Auschwitz
Enzo Traverso, Europejskie korzenie przemocy nazistowskiej (The Origins of Nazi Violence), Instytut Wydawniczy Książka i Prasa, Warsaw 2011
Shoa in Czech Literature
Jiří Holý, Petr Málek, Michael Špirit, Filip Tomáš, Šoa v české literatuře a kulturní paměti. Praha: Filip Tomáš – Akropolis, 2011
A Frustrated Spin Doctor Blows the Whistle
Gleb Pavlovsky, Genialnaja włast’. Słowar’ abstrakcij Kremlja, Izdatelstwo “Jewropa”, Moskwa 2012
Judt the Defiant
Tony Judt, Pensjonat pamięci (The Memory Chalet). Wydawnictwo Czarne 2012; Tony Judt, Źle ma się kraj. Rozprawa o naszych współczesnych bolączkach (Ill Fares the Land). Wydawnictwo Czarne 2011
End of the world, or a New Hope
Claus Leggewie, Harald Welzer, Koniec świata, jaki znaliśmy. Klimat, przyszłość i szanse demokracji (The End of the World as We once Knew it: the Climate, the Future and the Prospects for Democracy), Wydawnictwo Krytyki Politycznej, 2012
Like a Czech Film
Madeleine Albright, Prague Winter: A Personal Story of Remembrance and War, 1937–1948, HarperCollins 2012
The Czech Interests and Betting on Britain in a Stormy Europe
About two years ago I gave a talk in the US, and afterwards an American businessman asked me to explain something peculiar. He had read in that day’s edition of The Financial Times that the Czech Republic—as the only country apart from Great Britain—had vetoed increased EU regulation of hedge funds. You don’t have any…
Return of the Rentiers
An interview with Thomas Piketty by Maciej NowickiThe contemporary world resembles the 19th century more than we might suspect. What we are witnessing now is a comeback of inequalities in their brutal and archaic forms—says Thomas Piketty in an interview with Maciej Nowicki.
Shale Gas: Opportunities and Risks
If Poland draws conclusion from the Norwegian experience, it has an opportunity to become a global research and development center in the shale gas/oil exploration and production field. Regrettably, research is held in other countries and the service sector in Poland is slowly being dominated by foreign companies.
Chinese Strategy towards Central Europe
The Chinese have set a trap for the rest of the world. Calling their fatherland the Middle Kingdom, they have managed to rule not only over their state but actually over the whole continent, and furthermore over an ancient civilization of amazing continuity, disposing of their own value system which is so much different from…
The Splitting of Central Europe
The inhabitants of a small European country have found a peculiar way of defending themselves against the political and economic gale force winds sweeping the continent and dredging up right- and leftwing extremists from the social depths: they have elected a man who has promised them windless conditions. The name of the man swept to…
Putin Poised for Political Liberalization
An interview with Sergei Markov by Filip MemchesThe protests of the urban middle class are a result of an improvement in their living standards. You could compare it—which is not to be taken literally—to a rebellion of those who own a Hyundai against those who own a Mercedes— says Sergei Markov, the Kremlin’s leading “political…
A Power is (Re)born
The 21st century will probably be a century of tectonic shifts in the global balance of power. One of the most important beneficiaries of the processes could be Turkey.
Europe is Losing Serbia
Almost all the generals and politicians wanted by the International Criminal Tribunal in the Former Yugoslavia have been captured. Still, we should not expect either a rapid nor an easy accession to the EU, and much less so to the NATO.