#InfluencersAgainstDisinfo: Přihlášky otevřeny do konce července!

(The project is conducted in English only.)

Article updated: application deadline extended!

In today’s information environment, influencers and content creators on social media have become prominent opinion makers and agenda setters. They are no longer solely relevant in the communication and marketing strategies of companies but are also gaining importance in the political information ecosystem. As such, influencers and content creators share or post political content, make recommendations for whom to vote, or even act on behalf of political parties.

The program initiated by Aspen Institute Germany, “Influencers Against Disinfo 2024,” is accepting applications until July 31, 2024. Aspen Institute Central Europe is proud to cooperate on this impactful project.

Influencers and content creators from the Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia, and Central and Eastern Europe are invited to participate in this two-year project to combat disinformation. The project follows up on the successful edition from last year when selected politically engaged influencers tackled the challenges that disinformation presents in conflicts, crises, and wars, and brought recommendations to policymakers, social media platforms, and civil society organizations.

Participants benefit from workshops, study trips, and exchanges with scientists, experts, and decision-makers to promote informed, fact-based communication in their online communities. They also contribute to the creation of a code of ethics for social media communication.

See the project description, participation criteria, program details, and requirements in the PDF sheet.

More information can be found HERE.

Registration is open until July 14, 2024 HERE.

View the report from the previous edition below or download the PDF here.

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