Aspen Annual Conference 2014

20. 5. 2014

THE ASPEN ANNUAL CONFERENCE: The Big Bang. 25 Years Since Annus Mirabilis. 

The 2014 Annual Conference commemorated the momentous events that took place across Central and Eastern Europe 25 years ago. More than 300 guests could listen to renowned panelists who discussed political, economic and social changes that followed the fall of Communism.

Aspen Gala Dinner gathered Central European leaders from politics, business, public administration, media, non-profit or academia. Welcome note was delivered by the Prime Minister Bohuslav Sobotka and the keynote speech was held by the President of Estonia Toomas Hendrik Ilves. Former U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine K. Albright was awarded the first Aspen Prague Award – art made from Bohemia crystal appreciating her indelible imprint on Central Europe.

You can find photos from the conference in the photo gallery below. More photographs are also available on our Facebook.

If you missed the conference, you can also watch all panels in the video gallery below.

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