Partnership with the European Economic Congress

4. 3. 2015

Following our cooperation from last year, in 2015 the Aspen Institute Prague has also become a partner of the European Economic Congress, one of the largest business events in Central Europe. The 7th European Economic Congress, organized by PTWP Group, will be held between 20 and 22 April 2015 in Katowice, Poland.

Each year the Congress convenes several thousand guests from Poland, Europe and around the world, including EU commissioners, prime ministers and representatives of European governments as well as CEOs of the biggest companies – all those, who have a real impact on economic and social life. Our Institute has invited several participants to speak during the Congress, including Ivan Hodač, our Founder and Board Member, who will speak about current developments in TTIP negotiations.

The Congress offers a three-day cycle of debates and meetings, which deal with major current economic and political affairs. The leading subjects of the seventh edition include: role of the state in the economy, innovative Europe, challenges to the global economy, new markets and new business trends. Moreover, a number of accompanying events will take place, including 3rd Africa – Central Europe Economic Cooperation Forum, 4th Europe – China Economic Forum as well as Poland – Japan economic meetings and the annual Poland – Czech Republic Economic Meeting. You can browse through the full thematic agenda here.

Our Institute also supports a new initiative within the European Economic Congress – the EEC Leaders of Tomorrow. This undertaking aims to intensify the participation of young people in public life and promote active citizenship. Within this project we invited three talented students to take part in three debates, all of them The Bakala Foundation Scholars. Jakub Langr (University of Oxford) will speak about The EU 2030 – visions of Europe, Ján Michalčák (University College London) is participant of the Young leaders on the future of Europe debate, and Tereza Rasochová (Kings College London) will discuss The economic aspect of Visegrad regional cooperation.

For more information on the Congress, all its components and registration, please visit the organizer’s website here.