Changing Perception of Public Space: Between Opportunity and Responsibility

13. 10. 2014

When: 15:45 – 17:15, October 14, 2014

Where: Žofín Palace (Conference hall), Prague


The perception of public space has been undergoing dramatic change with the system transformation in Central and Eastern Europe since the fall of Communism. The arrival of democracy and capitalism posed new questions regarding the responsibility and ownership of public space, and brought the challenge of how to accommodate it to the needs of divergent users groups?


  • Tomáš Ctibor, acting director, Prague Institute of Planning and Development
  • Adam Gebrian, architect
  • Krištof Kintera, artist
  • Illah Van Oijen, photographer and activist

Chair: Michael Žantovský, President, Aspen Institute Prague

The event is organized within the 18th FORUM 2000 conference. For more information about the program and registration visit Forum 2000 website.