On October 15, 2019, a round table with the title Shaping Effective Innovation Policy: Smart and Digital Mobility took place in Prague. The high-level discussion, a joint project of the Aspen Institute Central Europe and the Embassy of the Netherlands, was a follow-up event on an Innovation round-table held in May. Both Dutch and Czech experts discussed themes of digital and smart mobility, and shared best practices in, for example, infrastructure, autonomous driving, smart cities and innovation policies. The aim was to look for strategies in which governments and companies can combine their efforts in cooperation and encouraging further cooperation between Netherlands’ and Czech governments, scientific institutions and business.
The event was generously hosted by the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic. The gathering of prominent speakers both from the Netherlands and the Czech Republic had the privilege to discuss innovation strategies with the Czech Minister of Industry and Trade, Mr. Karel Havlíček.
Velkým podporovatelem naší vize The Country For The Future je Nizozemsko. Velvyslanec J.R.Klompenhouwer již podruhé připravil kulatý stůl podnikatelů, kde jsem představil propojení chytrého průmyslu a energetiky ve vazbě na nové požadavky na vzdělávání a výzkum na VŠ. https://t.co/S3lxH3Gk0O
— Karel Havlíček (@KarelHavlicek_) October 15, 2019
2nd #ShapingInnovationPolicy workshop at @mpo_tweetuje with #NL embassy in CZ and @AspenInstCE focusing on #IndustrialPolicy, #SmartMobility or #Digitalization. Again great inspiration & new level of cooperation with #Netherlands! Thanks to all who participated! @Country4Future pic.twitter.com/n6TYlOAYOl
— Petr Očko (@PetrOcko) October 15, 2019