Euro – the Past and the Future

20. 6. 2013

Aspen Institute Prague and Prague Twenty  organized the open public lecture „Euro – the Past and the Future“ with the following prominent speakers:

Jean-Claude TRICHET, Chairman of the board of Bruegel,
President of the European Central Bank, 2003-2011

Marek BELKA, President of the National Bank of Poland

Zdeněk TŮMA, KPMG Czech Republic,
Governor of the Czech National Bank, 2000-2010

Foreword by Radek Špicar, Executive Director, Aspen Institute Prague.
Moderation by Vladimír DLOUHÝ, Chairman of the board of Prague Twenty and Member of the Board of Directors of Aspen Institute Prague.

Friday, June 21st, 2013 at 10:00 a.m.
Kaiserštejnský palác, Malostranské náměstí 23, Praha 1