Security – Innovations

The Aspen Annual Conference “The Shape of (Central) Europe”, which we organize in cooperation with the Economia media house is since last year preceded by regional debates. We are heading to the regions of the Czech Republic as well as to other Central European countries, this year with themes interconnecting five traditionally monitored areas of development.

The debate focusing on security & innovations was held on October 3 in Warsaw on the occasion of Warsaw Security Forum organized by Casimir Pulaski FoundationTomáš Pojar (CEVRO Institute), the head of our expert group for security & innovations, presented the conclusions of the Aspen expert study for 2019 in his remarks on the roundtable that was also attended by gen. ret. Petr Pavel and Róbert Ondrejcsák, State Secretary of the Ministry of Defence of the Slovak Republic. The debate was chaired by Jiří Schneider, Executive Director of The Aspen Institute CE.

The major takeaways from the expert debate are:

  • Defense spending should be perceived and dealt with as an investment rather than insurance.
  • There is a challenge of harnessing private tech innovation into traditional defense sector and also of how to speed up government procedures.
  • We should learn from best practices from around the world.

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