Simone Kraus

Simone Kraus is an experienced translator and university lecturer. She earned her doctoral degree from the Translation School of Mainz University, Germany, where she taught for ten years. In 2017, the prestigious Bread Loaf Writers’ Conference of Middlebury College—the oldest writers’ program in the U.S.—accepted her as contributor for creative nonfiction. She is also the recipient of a Katharine Bakeless Nason Grant—a scholarship for emerging writers—for the renowned Bread Loaf Translators’ Conference. Simone was born in Germany; her family originally came from former Czechoslovakia. She is the author of “Prag in der amerikanischen Literatur: Cynthia Ozick und Philip Roth”, a book focusing on the literary representation of Prague in the works of Ozick and Roth. She is currently living and working in Plzen, Czech Republic.

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