Aspen on the Road – Pohoda festival

9. 7. 2015

Can we change our cities?

Aspen Institute Prague has the pleasure to invite you to another public debate from the "Aspen on the Road" series. 

This time we will discuss the future of cities in Central Europe with architect Peter Gero, architect Roman Koucký, former Mayor of Prague Tomáš Hudeček, and architect Matúš Vallo. Our guests will share their experience and address the following issues:

  • What are the main future challenges of urban governance?
  • How to include the public into urban planning and decision-making?
  • How to improve life in a city? 

The debate will take place at the Bažant Pohoda music festival at the .TÝŽDEŇ stage on Friday, July 10 between 13:00 and 14:00. 

The debate is organized within a project Creative Visegrad: City, Culture and Public Space, supported by the International Visegrad Fund.