Date: July 7, 2015, starts at 19:00
Venue: Café Jedna (Dukelských Hrdinů 47, 170 00 Praha 7, map)
Public debate Germany and the EU: Who Benefits? is organized as a side event to the publication of the current issue of the Aspen Review – STATE vs. ECONOMY. The event, chaired by our Supervisory Board Member Jiří Schneider, will host:
- Ulrike Guérot, Founder and Director of the European Democracy Lab
- Petr Koblic, CEO of Prague Stock Exchange
- Vladimír Handl, expert on German politics, Institute of International Relations
The debate will revolve around Ulrike Guérot’s article in the latest Aspen Review: Germany: On its Own or in the Middle of Europe?. Speakers will focus on the role of Germany and its economy in the EU in the aftermath of the economic crisis. Special emphasis will be put on the Central European region which is closely attached to Germany, both economically and politically.
- Has Germany’s position within the EU structures changed in the recent years?
- Would other member states welcome a more politically active leader?
- Do all member states benefit from the solutions proposed by German representatives?
- What role does German economy play for the V4 states? Has it changed as a result of the current recession?
The debate will be in English. The entry is FREE. Please confirm your participation by July 5, 2015 at
We are looking forward to seeing you there.