Jiří Schneider (Executive Director) and Maria Staszkiewicz (Deputy Executive Director) took part in the Central European Expert Forum, held on April 20–22, 2017 in Zakopane. The Forum brought together representatives of V4 think-tanks, public administration and journalists, who discussed the future of the European union and the V4 cooperation. Topics ranged from security challenges and cooperation, the role of the V4 in reforming the EU as well as projects directed at the V4 societies.
Polish @V4_PRES Think-Tank Community & Journalist Mid-Term Meeting in #Zakopane, thx @VisegradFund: pic.twitter.com/NzmJ4niBx9
— Mateusz Gniazdowski (@M_Gniazdowski) 21. dubna 2017
@M_Gniazdowski @V4_PRES @VisegradFund @adam_eberhardt @SlawomirDebski @AlesChmelar @MichalKoran @SFPA_SK @OSW_eng @IIR_PRG @kulugyi @MartinCZV4EU Great to take stock of #V4cooperation #thinkvisegrad in Zakopane inspiration for @AspenInstCE
— Jiří Schneider (@JiriSchneider) 21. dubna 2017
The event was organized by Centre for Eastern Studies (OSW) in cooperation with Think Visegrad and the Polish Presidency in the Visegrad Group with the support of the International Visegrad Fund.