Digital Competitiveness of the EU

15. 7. 2015

When: July 16, 2015 (9:00 – 13:30)
Where: Permanent Representation of the Czech Republic to the EU (15, rue Caroly, 1050 – Ixelles Bruxelles, Belgium)

Aspen Institute Prague invites you to a policy meeting Digital Competitiveness of the EU. Participating officials, experts, and business representatives will have the opportunity to discuss ways and strategies how to best fulfill the EU digital agenda goals. Special focus will be devoted to the question of how to design and implement legislative proposals following the recently unveiled Digital Single Market Strategy. The debate will be divided into two panels:

  • The first will revolve around the question of securing privacy while not stifling innovation and business development at the same time.
  • The second part will address the the topic of digitization of traditional industries and e-skills as preconditions for EU’s competitiveness.

Keynotes will be delivered by European Commissioner Věra Jourová and Daniel Calleja Crespo, Director General at DG Enterprise and Industry & Special Envoy for SMEs.

Among attendees are Memebers of the European Parliament Michał Boni and Gabrielius Landsbergis, Christina Peters (Chief Privacy Officer at IBM), Michal Feix from Seznam, Rene Summer (Director Government & Industry Relations at LM Ericsson) or Veronika Pistyur from Bridge Budapest, and others.

For more details see the conference program. We kindly ask you to confirm your participation at