Do schools teach digital thinking? Panel discussion at the Forum 2000 conference

14. 9. 2015

WHEN: September 15, 2015 (14:00 – 15:30)

WHERE: Žofín Palace, Knight's Hall (Slovanský ostrov 226, Prague 1)

Aspen Institute Prague invites you to a panel discussion "Do schools teach digital thinking?" as part of the 19th annual Forum 2000 conference, this year focused on Democracy & Education.  

Digital technologies affect society at all levels – the economy, politics, work organization, interpersonal relationships, and the way of thinking. Are schools able to adapt to these rapid technological transformations and prepare their students for life in the digital age? We will not talk only about the use of digital tools in the classroom, but about innovating the education system so it reflects the requirements currently imposed on the youngest generation.

The above mentioned issues will be discussed by the following experts:

  • Taťána le Moigne – Country Director Google Czech Republic and Slovakia
  • Ondřej Šteffl – CEO of SCIO
  • Josef Šlerka – Head of New Media Studies at Charles University, Head of R&D at Socialbakers
  • Miroslav Jašurek – Head of Cabinet of the Minister of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic (tbc)

The debate will be chaired by Branislav Kleskeň from LEAF, a Slovak organization focused on providing educational and support programs for students.

The panel discussion will be held in CZECH with English interpretation.