OPEN UP! Creative Placemaking Festival

9. 8. 2014

The two-day event will look at art and cultural activities as tools to economically and socially revive localities, cities and regions. If taken seriously, the cooperation among arts organizations, local governments, urban activists and private sector plays a central role in shaping communities’ economic, physical, and social futures. It can help upcycle vacant and derelict buildings and infrastructure, attract non-arts-related commercial activity (construction, entertainment, tourism etc.) as well as mitigate social problems. Successful projects start with an entrepreneurial idea, reflect the character of the site and engage communities, both local government and citizenry. Therefore, they require the involvement and cooperation of numerous professional sectors.

We are proud to announce that among the first confirmed guests we have Ann Markusen, expert on urban and regional economy and co-author of the concept.

The Festival will be composed of several activities aimed at different target groups:

1)      Expert conference: for urban activists, culture managers, and representatives of business, administration, and local governments, wide public

  • Venue: DOX Centre for Contemporary Art, Prague

2)      Creative Placemakers Night: presentations by placemakers open for public in Pilsen

  • Venue: Papírna, Pilsen

3)      Working groups: closed-door debate in working groups led by experts

  • (upon special invitation only)


WHEN: November 6 – 7, 2014

WHERE: Prague & Pilsen, Czech Republic

ORGANIZERS: Aspen Institute Prague & Pilsen 2015, European Capital of Culture