
27. 9. 2017
Debaty Kam kráčíš Česko 2017
Série debat, na níž bude navazovat dvoudenní konference 2017 Aspen Annual Conference – Kam kráčíš Česko, která se uskuteční ve dnech 29.–30. listopadu 2017 v...

25. 9. 2017
Prosperity Index: Can Czech Republic keep up with actual challenges?
The panel discussion and presentation of the first edition of Legatum’s CEE Prosperity Report showed that the Czech Republic’s prosperity, covering economic success as well...

14. 9. 2017
The Way We Will Work
– New Aspen.Review is out!
We released the 3rd issue of our redesigned Aspen.Review quarterly, now with the title The Way We Will Work and the topic future of work....

13. 9. 2017
Future of Work – Aspen Review Café
As a part of Future Port Prague on September 7, 2017 Aspen Instituce Central Europe organized one of the Aspen Review Café series, a side...

12. 9. 2017
Empowerment Instead of Fear: Technology and Society
The Aspen Institute CE held a special panel devoted to the issue of Technology and Society at the Krynica Economic Forum. Can we somehow avoid...

19. 7. 2017
Petr Vizina: Dreams of those beyond the wall
Journalist Peter Vizina reflecting the visit of the internationally acclaimed architect and urban planner Teddy Cruz in our debate at reSITE festival on June 23,...

19. 7. 2017
Job Offer: Event Coordinator
Aspen Institute Central Europe is looking for a part-time Event Coordinator. Apply and join us!
29. 6. 2017
Populism and Protectionism in the EU
Aspen Institute CE organized a closed roundtable discussion on populism and protectionism in the EU on June 29, 2017 at Brussels. The session aimed to...

29. 6. 2017
Teddy Cruz on Dismantling Barriers in Cities & Society
Internationally acclaimed architect and urban planner Teddy Cruz came on June 23, 2017 to Prague to talk about the ways of dismantling both physical, and...

28. 6. 2017
Driving Europe Forward: Future of Mobility
Aspen Institute CE co-organized a conference Driving Europe Forward: The Future of Mobility on June 28, 2017 at European Parliament in Brussels. ACE's president Ivan...

27. 6. 2017
What Europe Do We Want? Germany–V4 Forum Warsaw
On June 22nd and 23rd, the Aspen Institute Central Europe, together with the Aspen Institute Germany organized the second event in the framework of Germany–Visegrad...

19. 6. 2017
Future of Digital Europe – Prague European Summit 2017
Aspen Institute Central Europe joined the Prague European Summit on June 14, 2017. Ivan Hodáč, the President of ACE chaired a panel debate on Future...

19. 6. 2017
Dobrou chuť, pokud právě čtete
Nepřímé úměry často přinášejí překvapení. Jedna čerstvě odhalená je pak obzvlášť zajímavá: čím víc klesá naše ochota věřit médiím, tím dychtivěji je jako společnost konzumujeme....

12. 6. 2017
Call for participants: Aspen Young Leaders Program, October 2017
The call for applications is now open – join us or nominate a leader! For the first time we also accept nominations of young leaders...
4. 6. 2017
Business Roundtable on EU–US Relations in Washington
The Aspen Initiative for Europe with Aspen Institute CE co-organized a roundtable at Washington during the week of June 5, 2017. The aim was to...

31. 5. 2017
Generation Lost & Found – New Aspen.Review is out!
We published the 2nd issue of our Aspen.Review quarterly, now with the title Generation Lost & Found: Visegrad Youth refuse to become their parents and...

25. 5. 2017
EU Stakeholder’s informal discussion on Brexit and EU–US
Aspen Institute CE organized a closed roundtable discussion on the EU–US relations and the topic of Brexit on April 25, 2017 at Brussels. The session...

24. 5. 2017
Youth Becoming Protest Voters – Aspen Review Café
The Aspen Review Café series, this time focused on the topic of the extremism of the young. Oľga Gyárfášová and Michal Vašečka, two guests, took...