
20. 5. 2017
Trump Knows More about CE than He’s Given Credit
Read an interview with Kenneth R. Weinstein about the relations of (Central) Europe and USA, which we released as a teaser of the second issue...

16. 5. 2017
Kořan becomes Deputy Ex. Director at Aspen Institute CE
A proficient expert on Central Europe, and a skilled researcher in international relations Michal Kořan becomes the Deputy Executive Director at Aspen Institute Central Europe...

4. 5. 2017
Ivan Hodáč pro Ekonom: První kolo je za námi. Ale co dál?
Přečtěte si komentář předsedy správní rady Aspen Institute CE Ivana Hodáče pro týdeník Ekonom – První kolo prezidentských voleb ve Francii skončilo téměř podle očekávání....
24. 4. 2017
Central European Expert Forum in Zakopane
Aspen Institute Central Europe took part in the Central European Expert Forum, held on April 20–22, 2017 in Zakopane. The Forum brought together representatives of...

24. 4. 2017
Informal meeting with Jacquelline Fuller
Aspen Institute Central Europe hosted on April 19, 2017 a fireside chat with Jacquelline Fuller, Managing Director of The meeting gathered together representatives of...

26. 3. 2017
What Europe Do We Want? Germany–V4 Forum in Prague
Joint project with the The Aspen Institute Germany which aims at fostering mutual understanding in areas, where the countries have diverging positions, and to find...

6. 3. 2017
Report: Aspen Young Leaders Program March 2017
Read the report from the fifth edition of the Aspen Young Leaders Program, which took place on March 2-5, 2017. More than thirty young leaders...

1. 3. 2017
Aspen Young Leaders Program Vol. I 2017: Call for applications
Apply to take part in the fourth edition of the successful program!

16. 2. 2017
Art Match: Supporting Art in the Public Space
Public Debate – Prague, Czech Republic

23. 1. 2017
Prague Aspen changes name to Aspen Institute Central Europe
The Prague partner of the international Aspen Institute network announced on January 24, 2017 a new plan of activities in the Central European region and...
29. 12. 2016
Sustainable development in Poland, the Czech Republic, and the V4 region
Poland and the Czech Republic compete in many areas, such as foreign investment, foreign trade or economic expansion abroad, however, there are some areas where...

1. 12. 2016
Czech Startups Report
As part of the V4 Startup Survey, our Institute has implemented the Czech Startups Report 2016 comprising analysis and data on the Czech startup ecosystem....

29. 11. 2016
Startups and the Digital Entrepreneur – The View from CE
What is the CE perspective on startups and the digital entrepreneur?

9. 11. 2016
Czech Republic: The Shape We’re In | Annual conference 2016
See the materials for the second edition of the annual conference Czech Republic: The Shape We're In, which took place on November 10.

18. 10. 2016
Aspen Young Leaders at the Festival of Democracy
Come and discuss leadership and the courage to take responsibility with the Aspen Young Leaders Program alumni

16. 10. 2016
A Push towards a More Sustainable Poland and Czech Republic
Discussion about the possibilities of development of Poland and Czech Republic, with a special emphasis on the role of the cities in this process, which...

5. 10. 2016
Libraries remain inreplaceable and help social cohesion
A public discussion about the role of libraries in the 21st century.

4. 10. 2016
Libraries in Digital Age | Aspen Review Café
Come and discuss with us the role of libraries in the 21st century!