
8. 10. 2014

Creative Placemaking Festival

You can now have a look at program of the OPEN UP! Festival and confirm your participation.
17. 9. 2014

Praga Caput Cultura

Aspen Institute Prague is partner organisation of the conference about the importance of culture for city development within the Street for Art 2014 festival in...
14. 9. 2014

Invitation: Praga Caput Cultura

Join us for the conference about the role of culture for development of Prague
11. 9. 2014

Call for Participation: Move Up!

Applications for the competition "Move Up! Alternative Mobility – focus on Pilsen" are now closed.
2. 9. 2014

The Economy of Art

Panel discussion organized by the Aspen Institute Prague within the Economic Forum in Krynica, Poland.
19. 8. 2014

Right in Ascendance or Mainstream in Decline?

Find more about the commonalities and successes of the anti-EU and right-wing parties in the recent European elections.
19. 8. 2014

An interview with Emmanuel Todd by Maciej Nowicki

Read an interview with Emmanuel Todd, a renowned French demographer and historian, who provides a very critical insight to EU reaction to the events in...
19. 8. 2014

Why enlargement breaks?

Is enlargement one of the most effective soft power weapons of the European Union? Read Marek Cichocki´s article in our new issue of the Aspen...
13. 8. 2014

Creative Placemaking: City, Culture and Public Space

How to use the arts and culture as engines of cities' economic growth? Watch our video from the Pohoda Music Festival and find out more...
9. 8. 2014

OPEN UP! Creative Placemaking Festival

A two-day festival on Creative Placemaking - a process in which partners from public, non-profit, private and community sectors join to strategically shape the urban...
10. 7. 2014

Creative Placemaking: City, Culture, and Public Spaces

Public debate on art and cultural activities as tools to economically and socially revive localities, cities and regions. Pohoda Festival, Trenčín airport, Slovakia.
29. 6. 2014

Upcoming Aspen Review focusing on Ukraine

Read its first article by Robert Cooper on the Ukrainian crisis' influence on relations between Europe and Russia.
8. 6. 2014

Aspen Annual Conference 2014

The conference commemorated the momentous events across Central and Eastern Europe 25 years ago and the enormous geo-political changes that followed.
1. 6. 2014

Aspen Annual Conference 2014

The upcoming annual conference will commemorate the momentous events that took place across Central and Eastern Europe 25 years ago. Respected panelists will focus on...
20. 5. 2014

Aspen Annual Conference 2014

The conference commemorated the momentous events across Central and Eastern Europe 25 years ago. Take a look at photos and videos from the event.
7. 5. 2014

Creative Placemaking in Public Spaces

Panel debate organized by the Aspen Institute Prague within the European Economic Forum, Katowice.
10. 4. 2014

E-­commerce as a Driver of Competitiveness in Central European Economies

Platform for Internet Economy (PIE) in cooperation with the Aspen Institute Prague organized its annual conference on the Internet economy.
6. 4. 2014

Central Europe: fit for the future?

Panel discussion assessed Central Europe ten years after the EU accession and presented recommendations for the region collected in an eponymous report.