On January 24, 2018, the first network meeting of Slovak Young Leaders Program alumni took place in Bratislava. The informal gathering of Aspen Young Leaders was enriched by a discussion with Ladislav Miko, Head of European Commission Representation in Slovakia, and Pavol Demeš, Senior Non-Resident Fellow at German Marshall Fund of the United States. Among main topics of the debate with our special guests and Ivan Hodáč, President of Aspen Institute Central Europe, were Visegrád and its role (and perception) in the EU, European common values, and possible contribution of young leaders to raising awareness of Transatlantic common values. Peter Kolesár, CEO of Neulogy and a member of the AmCham Board of Directors, shared his experience in helping Slovak startups and supporting innovative ideas.
Slovak Aspen Alumni Get-Together
25. 1. 2018