Take part in V4 Startup Survey!

15. 6. 2016

As part of our digital economy policy program, this summer Aspen Institute Prague will be collecting data on startups operating in the Czech Republic.

The project, titled Visegrad Startup Survey, investigates into the ecosystems in the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia. Based on data collected via national surveys, two reports will be prepared outlining main trends, challenges and possible areas for legislative improvements: one pertaining to the Czech Republic and one comparing the Visegrad coutries.

If you have a startup and want to help us improve the legal and administrative environment for entrepreneurs in Central and Eastern Europe, fill in a short questionnaire:

All startupers, who will fill in the survey, will be invited to specialized workshops in September and will have a chance to win a free training. 

The project is supported by CzechInvest and the International Visegrad Fund, other partners include Bridge Budapest, SAPIE, Startup Poland and DELab.

More information is available on the project website.