The Aspen Institute CE was a co-organizer of a debate on the future of global free trade from the Transatlantic perspective which took place on the 3rd of March 2020 in Brussels.
The main topics discussed were:
➡How should the EU deal with a new range of trade agreements with the UK due to the upcoming Brexit?
➡What new approaches does the EU have in addressing the US offensive political trade strategy?
➡What strategic position should the EU take in the US-China geopolitical and technological competition?
The speakers who tried to find answers and recommendations were Dita Charanzová, Vice-President of the European Parliament, Peter Chase, Senior Fellow of the German Marshall Fund of the United States, Markus J. Beyrer, Director General of BusinessEurope, and Jan Macháček, Chairman of the Board of the Institute for Politics and Society.
The debate was organized in cooperation with The Institute for Politics and Society and The Prague House.