Hubert Czyżewski heads Warsaw Office of Aspen Institute Central Europe from July 2024. He is an intellectual historian specializing in the relationship between religion and politics in the modern world. He embarked on his academic path at King’s College London, where he obtained his Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in History. He further advanced his studies at the University of Oxford, achieving a Doctorate in Intellectual History.

Hubert has taught at University College London, the University of Oxford, and the University of Warsaw. His experience also includes roles as a visiting researcher at Jagiellonian University and a junior research fellow at the Institut für die Wissenschaften vom Menschen in Vienna. He is an associate editor and regular contributor to the magazine “Kultura Liberalna,” where he writes on history, philosophy, literature, and contemporary issues.

In 2022, he published “Kołakowski and the Search for Certitude” and edited Kołakowski’s 2019 essay collection “Christianity.” Since 2021, he has been the academic director at the “Zofia Institute,” providing executive education in the humanities and was a Deputy Academic Director at Classical School in Warsaw between 2023-2024. He also leads the Universities of Oxford & Cambridge Alumni Network in Poland and is an alumnus of the Aspen Institute Central Europe Young Leaders Program.

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