Yemi A.D.

When I was invited to join the Aspen network, it was one of the turning points of my life. I learned to know a lot of different kinds of people with very similar struggles, and I imagined better what I want to achieve in my life.

During his professional career, Yemi has evolved from a dancer to a choreographer, director and producer. Today he is one of the most wanted creative authors. He had worked for several years with the American superstar Kanye West, with whom he created dozens of concerts and tours around the world. He founded and now leads creative agency JAD Productions, with which he works not only for clients such as Adidas Group, O2 or AVON, but also produces his own projects (Teniskology, Ynspirology). JAD Productions was awarded Best Event Agency in the Czech Republic in 2014, 2015 and 2016 and got European Best Event Award (EuBea) in 2015 and 2016 & 2018.

Most recently, he appeared as one of the international judges on the American TV show The World’s Best aired on CBS. He is newly a member of the 2019 Class of Henry Crown Fellowship within the Aspen Global Leadership Network.

Last edited in July, 2019.


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