Aspen Review Cafés

The Aspen Review Café series was organized as a side event accompanying the publication of Aspen Review. Within these public debates we used to give our readers as well as other guests an opportunity to discuss the current topics with renowned experts and authors. 

The main goal was to familiarize the audience with the topic that overarched cover stories of the latest Aspen Review issue and enable them to confront journalists, academicians or historians who expressed their views on the ongoing political, economic or cultural challenges of the Central European region. The last Aspen Review Café event was held in Warsaw on October 22, 2018.

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Podpora od našich firemních partnerů, jednotlivých členů a dárců je zásadní pro rozvoj aktivit institutu. Zúčastněte se eventů, diskuzí u kulatého stolu, fórech nebo konferencích, kde debatujeme s předními odborníky témata, která hýbou dnešním světem.