Inovace a digitalizace
Aspen Institute CE pokrývá komplexnější škálu témat v oblasti technologií a digitální agendy. Zaměřili jsme se na digitální dezinformace z různých úhlů pohledů, digitalizaci státní správy, budoucnost digitální Evropy, politický dialog o inovačních technologiích a další.

Související příspěvky

Shaping Effective Innovation Policy: Smart and Digital Mobility
An Innovation round-table, co-organized with the Embassy of the Netherlands, and hosted by the Ministry of Industry and Trade of

Digital Disinformation Workshop
Disinformation has always been here. The digital transformation has increased its impact and spread dramatically. The reach and influence of

Digital (Dis)Information Overload
A public debate on the role of new technologies in disinformation, manipulation, propaganda and deep fake was held on September

V4-Germany Forum 2019
The sixth expert policy workshop organized in cooperation with the Aspen Institute Germany took place in Berlin on June 3-4,

V4-Germany – New Avenues of Cooperation and Enhanced Consultation
A public debate organized within the series of workshops V4-Germany Forum in cooperation with Aspen Institute Germany was held on

Aspen V4-Germany Expert Forum
Aspen V4-Germany expert forum took place in Bratislava.

Proč e-government kulhá za byznysem?
Veřejná regionální debata na téma Kvality vládnutí, předcházející výroční konferenci Kam kráčíš, Česko?

Aspen V4-Germany Expert Forum
On December 6th and 7th 2017, the third round of Aspen V4-Germany expert forum took place in Berlin.

Empowerment Instead of Fear: Technology and Society
The Aspen Institute CE held a special panel devoted to the issue of Technology and Society at the Krynica Economic

What Europe Do We Want? Germany–V4 Forum Warsaw
On June 22nd and 23rd, the Aspen Institute Central Europe, together with the Aspen Institute Germany organized the second event

Future of Digital Europe – Prague European Summit 2017
Aspen Institute Central Europe joined the Prague European Summit on June 14, 2017. Ivan Hodáč, the President of ACE chaired

What Europe Do We Want? Germany–V4 Forum in Prague
Joint project with the The Aspen Institute Germany which aims at fostering mutual understanding in areas, where the countries have