Aspen Institute Central Europe organizes an international conference entitled 1918 – 2018 What happened to Wilsonian Idealism? The conference is held on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of Woodrow Wilson’s Fourteen Points speech to the United States Congress in which he articulated the necessity of open diplomacy, open agreements, free trade, global reduction in armaments, the right of self-determination for national minorities and the foundation of a League of Nations. The goal of the conference is to discuss the normative influence of the United States on modern Central Europe – particularly that of Czechoslovakia – from 1918 to the present day. The centennial of President Wilson’s Fourteen Points is the starting point for a debate about the future relevance of this century-old political concept, focusing in particular on self-determination and free trade.
The conference is prepared in cooperation with CERGE-EI and the U.S. Embassy in the Czech Republic.
The language of the conference is English.
The program and speakers are here:
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