Following inspiring and successful conventions in Spoleto 2017, Ronda 2018, and Annecy 2019, we are delighted to announce the launch of the next Aspen Seminar for Young European Leaders, co-organized by the Aspen Institute Central Europe and Aspen Institute Germany and coordinated by Aspen Initiative for Europe.
This year’s Aspen Young European Leaders Seminar has been converted into an online format, taking place from 3 to 5 September.
The seminar will be conducted in the classic Aspen manner, with a diverse group of participants in terms of geography, personal and professional background, and political beliefs. It will be based on a selection of texts by prominent European and non-European thinkers and philosophers. The discussions on the readings will address topical issues, explore common values and timeless questions, and ultimately examine the questions today’s young generation faces in tackling questions of European identity and how they should engage with European ideals.