Aspen Young Leaders Program 2024 Summer


From August 22 to 25, 2024, we will escape our daily routines and headed into a remote environment with a diverse, interdisciplinary group of 40 young leaders from Central Europe. With inspiring speakers from various sectors, we will debate the role of leaders, their core values, the challenges we face in today’s society, and the roles we play in solving them. 


Are you a successful young professional, aged 22-35, coming from the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, or Slovakia, or are you residing long-term in the Central European region? Are you interested in what is happening around you and are you trying to make a positive change in your environment?

During this intensive four-day program you will meet exceptional and open-minded leaders interested in tackling current societal and political challenges, and you will get the possibility to discuss and interact with experienced professionals from a broad variety of fields and with very different professional backgrounds. If you know someone matching the criteria above, nominate him/her!

The Aspen Young Leaders Program will take place August 2024, 22-25, in the Czech Republic.

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