Beyond Human. Trust in Machines and AI.

22. January 2019 (18:30-20:00)

Aspen Institute Central Europe and Opero cordially invite you to a public debate on the opportunities and challenges provided by AI. The debate will be held on January 22, 18:30, at Opero

There are several current challenges related to AI research. Can we govern the AI research to maximize its benefits to the society? How can we guarantee that democracy and democratic values are promoted and strengthened? How can we ensure that artificial intelligence is used to drive societal good?

Those questions will be discussed by:
Cornelia Kutterer, Senior Director EU Government Affairs, Microsoft
Tomáš Mikolov, Research Scientist, Facebook
Aleksandra Przegalińska, Assistant Professor, Kozminski University and Research Fellow at MIT, Center for Collective Intelligence

Welcoming remarks: Elliot Gerson, Executive Vice President, Aspen Institute
The debate will be chaired by: Daria Hvizdalova, JHV-Engineering/The Neuron Fund

The event is supported by Microsoft and The Neuron Fund.

The debate will be in English language.


REGISTRATION is now CLOSED. Thank you for your interest.




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